Forget about manual time registration

Lexor is an Artificial Intelligence based automatic time tracking solution for Microsoft Office 365.

  • + +1.35 million

    EUR extra by using Lexor

  • + 352000

    Activities registered in Lexor

  • + 41 million

    EUR billables registered

  • + 416000 hrs

    Billable hours registered

Take the time out of your time tracking.

Lexor eliminates time-consuming timesheet administration and makes it easy to log time on cases through AI-powered and fully automatic time tracking.

You no longer lose time when registering your activities. Lexor is your personal assistant who keeps track of everything for you. This way you can easily gain more insight into the profitability of your cases/matters and your team. Your customers get a better view of the time worked, which in turn improves cashflow.

EU Patent BE2020/5109 and subsidised by Vlaams Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen
Personal assistant
  • The comfort of a personal assistant who keeps track of your activities throughout the day.
  • Seamless integration with Office365 tools such as Microsoft Word, Outlook, Excel, Teams and Chrome.
  • Automatically link the time registered to the right matter, project and customer.

Lexor = maximum comfort.

Short payback period
  • Easily 1 hour per week more in billable timesheets per user.
  • Detailed and correct overviews lead to fewer write-offs/depreciations.
  • Keeps cap fees or flat rates under control.

Lexor = financial win.

Secure and reliable
  • Reliable and secure cloud solution that gives you 100% control over your sensitive data.
  • Secured data storage.
  • You decide what Lexor tracks for you and what gets converted to timesheets.

Lexor = You are in control.

2239 LEXOR VISUAL Trackers EN

Activate Lexor and select the trackers you want yourself.

  • MS Outlook emails & calendar
  • MS Teams meetings, telephones
  • MS Word, MS Excel, MS Powerpoint
  • Websites (Via Chrome and MS Edge)

Connect your case management software to Lexor and start booking timesheets.

Timesheet invoerscherm

Your personal assistant

Your personal assistant keeps track of all your activities while you retain full control over your time registrations. After all, you choose which activities you book as timesheets. Never forget precious timesheets again with Lexor's automatic tracking. The artificial intelligence engines automatically link your activities to the right matter. All you have to do is release your activities in timesheets. Those timesheets can then be used for invoicing or reporting.


Dashboards for clear insights

Automatic time registration not only helps you to invoice more complete, but also helps to optimize your time use. You always have access to your statistics via the dashboard tab in Lexor. They provide a schematic overview of your (team) performance per type, per month or per matter. Further customized analysis is possible through the Lexor link with MS PowerBi.

Lexor connects to your tools

  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Outlook
  • Word
  • Powerpoint
  • Chrome
  • Edge
  • Matter management system

    Secib – Themis – Cicero - …

  • MS PowerBi

Why choose Lexor?

Personal assistant

Just like a personal assistant, the tool gives you extra comfort and fewer worries throughout the working day.

Persoonlijke assistent

Full control

The user has final control over which activities are converted into timesheets.

Totale controle

Short payback time

Thanks to Lexor you can invoice more with a clear overview of the performance.
Research shows that easily 1 hour per week up to 0.5 hours more per day is registered using Lexor.



  • Image2 33
    Stephane Criel

    Partner – Monard Law in Ghent (Belgium)
    Lexor for a firm of 141 lawyers.

    “The hourly rate is the most common income model in the legal profession. The client has the right to control it. With Lexor, we bring more transparency and objectivity to our billing. I'm convinced that there are a lot of ghost hours that we didn't bill before. But we are realizing them. We're going to get returns on these hours anyway, because we're billing them now. After two months, we found that Lexor was saving us more than €80,000 a month at group level.”

  • Image13 55
    Dieter De Fauw - "Recover easily forgotten activities"

    Dieter De Fauw
    Managing Director
    Brevia Lawyers - Bruges

    “It is a handy tool to recover registration of forgotten activities. The many short messages and actions taken throughout the day are easily forgotten and add up to significant time. When used by the whole team, it will guarantee a standard presentation of time spent for all members.”

  • Image12 53
    Astrid Lippens - "The great added value lies in the efficiency"

    Astrid Lippens
    BDL&T Lawyers - Ghent

    “The great added value lies in the efficiency: The fact that Lexor is available mobile and the fact that it helps you as a reminder to constantly keep your time registration up to date... We have been working with Lexor for about a year now. Given Lexor's great ease of use, I would definitely recommend it to other offices as well.”

  • Image1 31
    Robin Stuckey

    Avocat associé - Cabinet ONE à Marseille (France)
    Lexor pour un cabinet de 12 avocats.

    “J’utilise la solution LEXOR depuis 2 mois en complément de Secib néo. La prise en main m’a pris 2 heures au plus. J’y ai connecté mes outils Microsoft 365 comme Teams, Word ... La suggestion de volume horaire est passé du simple au double”

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