Automatic timesheets for Lawyers

Lexor is designed by a team specialized in software for lawyers.

We know the needs of lawyers almost as well as you do. Lexor was designed from the ground up with lawyers as a starting point. Everything is provided to help you with your activity-based invoicing. With Lexor it is easy to perform time registration quickly, correctly and automatically. You no longer have to worry about charging the right (full) time to your customers. Lexor has everything on board to manage and follow up your files, including. the necessary contacts, courts, lawyers etc ...

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Lexor uses your idiom

Being a lawyer takes the right tools

Dominus litis, courts, hearings, conclusions, counterparties, matters, clients... Managing your business takes the methods and the idiom of your profession. We know your business and you will feel it right away. We provide everything you need. And you can take it wherever you go: In court, at the office, at home... Waiting at court ? Approve your timesheets on your cell-phone. Or look up your contacts for a call.

Lexor connects with software for lawyers

Do you use matter management software?

The best software for lawyers can easily be linked to Lexor. Your time registration is then synchronized to your software to the relevant matter. Your activities become available for billing this way. Your matter data and contacts are synchronized with Lexor.

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Start saving time

Lexor puts an end to time-consuming time registration and makes it easy to link the time worked to a matter by using Artificial Intelligence and fully automated time registration.

Personal assistant
  • The comfort of a personal assistant who keeps track of your activities throughout the day.
  • Seamless integration with Office365 tools such as Microsoft Word, Outlook, Excel, Teams and Chrome.
  • Automatically link the time worked to the right matter, project and customer.

Lexor = maximum comfort.

Short payback period
  • Easily 1 hour per week more in billable timesheets per user.
  • Detailed and correct overviews lead to fewer write offs/depreciations.
  • Keeps cap fees or flat rates under control.

Lexor = financial win

Secure and reliable
  • Reliable and secure cloud solution that gives you 100% control over your sensitive data.
  • You choose where your data is stored.
  • You decide what Lexor tracks for you and what gets converted to timesheets.

Lexor = 
You are in control.

Happy customers

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    Stephane Criel

    Partner – Monard Law in Ghent (Belgium)
    Lexor for a firm of 141 lawyers.

    “The hourly rate is the most common income model in the legal profession. The client has the right to control it. With Lexor, we bring more transparency and objectivity to our billing. I'm convinced that there are a lot of ghost hours that we didn't bill before. But we are realizing them. We're going to get returns on these hours anyway, because we're billing them now. After two months, we found that Lexor was saving us more than €80,000 a month at group level.”

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    Dieter De Fauw - "Recover easily forgotten activities"

    Dieter De Fauw
    Managing Director
    Brevia Lawyers - Bruges

    “It is a handy tool to recover registration of forgotten activities. The many short messages and actions taken throughout the day are easily forgotten and add up to significant time. When used by the whole team, it will guarantee a standard presentation of time spent for all members.”

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    Astrid Lippens - "The great added value lies in the efficiency"

    Astrid Lippens
    BDL&T Lawyers - Ghent

    “The great added value lies in the efficiency: The fact that Lexor is available mobile and the fact that it helps you as a reminder to constantly keep your time registration up to date... We have been working with Lexor for about a year now. Given Lexor's great ease of use, I would definitely recommend it to other offices as well.”

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    Robin Stuckey

    Avocat associé - Cabinet ONE à Marseille (France)
    Lexor pour un cabinet de 12 avocats.

    “J’utilise la solution LEXOR depuis 2 mois en complément de Secib néo. La prise en main m’a pris 2 heures au plus. J’y ai connecté mes outils Microsoft 365 comme Teams, Word ... La suggestion de volume horaire est passé du simple au double”

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